学术报告:On Numerical Cognition Ability of Deep Learning – a case study of general AI
2023-12-12 -
学术报告:Towards Graph-level Anomaly Detection via Deep Evolutionary Mapping
2023-12-10 -
学术报告:从结构化到多模: 构建云原站式数据库,从PolarDB到Lindorm
2023-12-01 -
学术报告:Allocative Inefficiencies in Public Blockchains, MEV, and Private Transactions
2023-11-21 -
2023-11-17 -
2023-11-17 -
学术报告:Dense Subgraph Computation over Large Sparse Graphs
2023-11-14 -
910023威尼斯官网“校友之家”落成仪式 暨130周年校庆、计算机学科65周年庆系列活动之学术讲座
2023-11-06 -
2023-11-02 -
2023-10-26 -
学术报告(两场):Data Management in Microservices: State of the Practice, Challenges, and Res-earch Directions
2023-10-19 -
学术报告:Learning and Thinking on LLM, Conversational Al and Beyond
2023-09-14 -
学术报告:Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in High-Dimensional Vector Databases
2023-09-11 -
学术报告:Neural-enhanced Edge: Towards Operationalized AI in Cooperative Cloud-Edge Ecosystems
2023-07-26 -
学术报告(两场):Neural Spectrospatial Filter: On Beamforming in the Deep Learning Era